What Makes a Rebellious Bride?
/Photo by CARLY ROMEO & CO
This may come as a shocker, but you don’t need tattoos, pink hair, or even a major attitude in order to be a rebellious bride. Of course, all of the above helps. A world with more pink coiffures would be lovely, wouldn’t it?
I often ask myself—when searching for rebellious brides to interview for my Bridal Rebellion Podcast—what actually makes a rebellious bride? And where in the wild world do I find these radical and super lovable brides?
Well, these brides are all around us. And what fuels these brides’ fires may surprise you. Let’s skip down the aisle and find out more, shall we?
You know you’re a rebellious bride IF…
You question E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G wedding-related. Nothing is off-limits in your book. Not the traditions, expectations, roles and responsibilities, labels, budget, etc.! Every time a friend or relative tells you how things “should be,” you ask “WHY?” And that powerful question guides all of your wedding planning decisions, not to mention it’s helped you eliminate a bunch of bullshit from your wedding, relationship, and life.
You refuse to start your marriage in debt. Yep, I said it. The dreaded D-word. Reality check—you’ve accumulated plenty of debt from school already—do you really need more? Hell no! Rebellious brides live and die within their budget because they aspire for bigger goals in life than an overpriced white wedding day. And not to mention, nothing kills the fiery romance in the bedroom more than a dreaded call from a debt collector, right?
You ask for help. That’s right, the most rebellious brides aren’t afraid to request support from family, friends, and sometimes even strangers via crowdfunding campaigns. Whether it’s for wedding photos from your old college roommate or extra cash for a mimosa bar or decor donations from a bridal co-op, these rebellious brides aren’t afraid to pop the question: Can you help?
You adore surprises. Rebellious brides are known for their childlike curiosity. They often ask, what would happen if we tried this...? Yep, these brides love to jolt their fave inner circle with wondrous revelations. It could be a day at the park with all of your friends that magically turns into your partner and yourself sharing nuptials, totally unexpected. Maybe it’s as simple as a sneak peek at some eye candy, your neon yellow pumps, as you two-step it down the aisle. Or maybe it’s an old family tradition that you bring to life in your ceremony, blowing your family away and leaving them speechless, teary-eyed, and totally overjoyed.
Your values shape your entire wedding experience. From start to finish, if something doesn’t feel right or line up with your values, you toss it in the trash with the tulle and never look back. Rebellious brides embrace their beliefs and weave their ideals into their engagement, relationship, and wedding. They use their wedding as a platform to stand up for what they believe in and share their worldview with the people they love most: friends and family.
This article originally appeared in Volume One of Catalyst Wedding Magazine. Order your copy for more great articles.
Kira Hug is the host of the Bridal Rebellion Podcast and Chief Creative Copywriter at KiraHug.com.