Keeping it Real with Elaine B Jewelry

We are so excited to introduce our newest sponsor, Elaine B Jewelry! We sat down with founder Elaine Butcher to learn more about her sustainable and thoughtful approach to jewelry design. We love what she has created and we know you will, too. After seeing these pieces, you'll never go back to a traditional engagement ring again.

What is the mission of Elaine B Jewelry?

EBJ is a jewelry company located in Charlottesville, VA. We design and construct each piece with a comfortable, minimalist aesthetic and sensibility. All of our gold and diamonds are recycled and we put great care into finding out where our materials originate. Handmade objects tell a story and have a lifespan, we love the tactile quality, the permanence and the way they evoke emotions and memory. 

What is Elaine B Jewelry's origin story?  

As a designer, I was out making the things that I wanted to wear (and could afford). As both the company and I matured so did the jewelry line, going from playful brass rings to engagement rings.

What is one of your favorite projects you've ever worked on?

We have really loved the exploration of engagement rings. One of our favorite had a amazing Oregon Sunstone gem with three diamonds on one side. It was really cool, sculptural and modern. The ring was for a curator at the LA Art Museum, I am working on their wedding bands now.  

How are you a "wedding space disrupter"?

We are a wedding space disrupter! The wedding ring is a timeless tradition, but the idea of using giant diamonds is perpetuated by big jewelry companies and is unsustainable, not to mention a extreme financial burden on young couples. EBJ is excited to offer custom rings made with recycled materials, including diamonds, as well as other gemstones that may be more meaningful.  

What three ingredients are necessary for a great day at Elaine B Jewelry?

  1. A good Pandora station.
  2. Some sunshine.
  3. Community lunch time. 

What are some traits of your ideal client?

We make gateway jewelry. Our ideal client cares about where their jewelry comes from, who made it and what it is made out of. No more fast fashion for them, they wants pieces that will last. With a personal relationship, affordable prices and customizable options, we design for people just like ourselves.  


Elaine Butcher is the founder and designer of Elaine B Jewelry. She has a small studio in downtown Charlottesville and sells at many independent boutiques around the country. Many of her materials are milled from recycled metals, and all of the design and construction is done by hand in her own studio. She loves to travel, and finds creative inspiration everywhere she goes.