Everything To Do Before You Announce Your Engagement
/Taylor + Lexa’s Proposal. Photo by Jessica Hunt Photography.
You’ve got 24 hours, boo.
It happens all the time. You’re so excited about your engagement. The proposal was beautiful. You’re on cloud nine. You post a picture of yourselves elated and over the moon. The comments start with “Congratulations,” but soon deviate into advice — advice you didn’t ask for. Before you know it you have a small battalion of people needling you for answers about your upcoming nuptials. It can make you want to stop before you even start. Follow these tips to help get started on the right foot together.
Limit DMs
You know what causes added anxiety? Hundreds of bits of unsolicited “input” on when you should start planning your wedding, who to invite, what to do, where to have it…and the list goes on. Highlighting this moment is a part of the self-curation of social media, but help your future self avoid overwhelm by limiting opportunities for people to annoy you.
Establish Your Boundaries
I love talking about boundaries because they work. Family and friends are going to hit you the hardest with requests, feedback, and questions. Have something scripted prepared to set the tone. If your mom is overwhelming you with endless questions, let her know “We’ll begin making decisions for our wedding in the next __ months. I’d love your input at that time. Thanks!” Don’t allow people to dictate this process to you, because they will. Milestones break up the monotony of everyday life and everyone will want a piece of yours. Letting people know specifically when and how they can contribute will curtail them trying to impose on your celebration.
Create a Wedding Email Address
You’re going to start doing a lot of research and interacting with plenty of wedding vendors. Your email, especially your professional one, is already full. Don’t try to combine the two. Having a separate email address will also be helpful if you decide to go to wedding trade shows where you’ll receive hundreds of emails and inquiries from prospective vendors.
Plan a Weekend Getaway
It can even be a staycation, but block out a weekend before your wedding planning starts where you’ll take the time to recharge and focus on what’s important in your relationship and what will be important in your marriage. It can be incredibly easy to get carried away in the process of making a million tiny decisions over the course of your engagement. Take the time — better yet — make the time to set yourself up with a solid foundation before you begin.
Understand Your Stressors
Is it certain family members or situations? Colors, smells, foods? Whatever it is that stresses you out get it on paper and place it somewhere you can both see before you start planning. Just being aware of what stresses you out can help you navigate around those stressors as a team.
Set the Tempo
As much as others will try and make you feel as if you’re out of control, you set the tempo to your planning process and the rest of your life with your loved one. Remember that!
Jordan A. Maney is an Assistant Editor at Catalyst Wedding Co. and is a San Antonio-based wedding planner. She she started her company as a planning haven for all the couples the industry chooses to ignore. Instead of just making a brand, she's building a community. Find more of her sass, humor, and Southern hospitality at loveallthedays.com.