Real Wedding // A Tropical-Inspired Wedding San Diego: Janelle + William

Real Wedding // A Tropical-Inspired Wedding San Diego: Janelle + William


William and I met through my aunt at an Olive Garden. We re-connected six days later in San Diego, and in true “US” fashion we met at a favorite taco shop of mine. From there we headed to the Cabrillo monument to soak in the panoramic view overlooking La Jolla/Pacific Beach just as the sun set in the distance. The day flew by as we joined in transparent and authentic conversation about our past, present, and future desires for our lives.

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Real Couple // Fun and Flirty Amusement Park Engagement Session in San Diego: Angela + Jamie

Real Couple // Fun and Flirty Amusement Park Engagement Session in San Diego: Angela + Jamie

Jamie's cousin, Glenn, told me to come to his housewarming. I really didn't want to go because I was already in my pajamas and I knew Glenn didn't have a new place. Our friend Jesus ended up picking me up so I had no other choice. It turned out to be Jamie's housewarming—I met Jamie and thought he was cute and shy. Later after I left, Jamie asked Glenn about me and the rest is history.

I (Jamie) had asked her parents for their blessing a few months back. It was her birthday weekend and she always talked about going to Catalina Island so I wanted to surprise her with a day trip.

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Real Couples // An Engagement Session in the Forest: Casper + Ulises

Real Couples // An Engagement Session in the Forest: Casper + Ulises

Casper was the one to propose to me. I had just started my Master's program at SDSU and he was adamant that we take a trip up to Seattle. I was excited, but nervous because of my program. I had a lot of homework that I needed to complete and wasn't too thrilled to be going up North because of my school, but I went up anyway. We strolled around the city for a day. Then he took me on a one-day trip to Bainbridge Island. I was very excited because I had never taken a ferry to the island. We were at a beautiful park sitting on a bench with an amazing view of Seattle when Casper popped the question.

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Real Couples // A Wedding at the San Diego Museum of Art: Kevin + Stefan

Real Couples // A Wedding at the San Diego Museum of Art: Kevin + Stefan

With much trepidation and nervousness, we met up at a local bar in San Diego. After the initial chit-chat (and a tiny bit of liquid courage), we felt a sense of comfort and compatibility that neither of us had expected. We talked for hours, sharing our pasts, and discovering we had quite a bit in common. Before we knew it, the bar was making last call and neither of us wanted the night to end.

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