Everything to Know If You're Thinking of Inviting Kids to Your Wedding

Everything to Know If You're Thinking of Inviting Kids to Your Wedding

It’s a regular question couples have as they’re creating their guest list: Should kids be invited to the wedding? The answer isn’t a simple one, because whether or not kids are a good fit for your wedding day depends on a number of factors.

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Ask A Wedding Planner // How to Handle Plus Ones

Ask A Wedding Planner // How to Handle Plus Ones

Dear Ciera,

So my partner and I are pretty much paying for our wedding ourselves. We have an amazing group of supportive friends that we’ve known for years, and we are the first of the group to tie the knot. While some of the couples are engaged, others are still casually dating, and we’re not too keen on covering the bill for basically strangers, but we don’t want to make our friends feel bad without a date. How do we figure out who to offer plus ones to?


Over this Guest List

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Real Families // A Long Awaited Love: Roxann + Trey + Lark

Real Families // A Long Awaited Love: Roxann + Trey + Lark

Roxann and Trey have traveled in the same orbit since they were 18 years old, their lives circling around each other and convening at certain points. When tragedy struck they got closer, but it just was not the right time yet. Through relationship after relationship, they stayed in each other's orbit being that shoulder for each other but declaring nothing because the orbit was just not perfect. After a decade of love, support, and caring it all finally clicked, and they knew the other was their person. Seeing them together, it's obvious that even though it took a while to get to this point, it was the exact perfect point for them both. They are already a family, and their wedding in June of this year will just solidify what was known by all.

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Real Couples // A Family African Engagement: Val + Lawrencia

Real Couples // A Family African Engagement: Val + Lawrencia

Val proposed to Lawrencia on Valentine’s Day 2013. They were not considered officially engaged until July of 2015, when their families came together to pay and accept the dowries, and their ceremony traditions were performed. Val and Lawrencia met in April 2009 shortly after Val came to the U.S. Val’s sister had just given birth to her first child, and Lawrencia went with a friend to visit her. Val recalls exactly what Lawrencia wore that day and was immediately attracted to her, although he made no attempt to ask her out. Within moments of being introduced to each other, they had an in-depth conversation about their passions, goals, values and future endeavors, and they quickly discovered they had a lot in common. 

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